This is the examination of the lower limb, and foot in a static position and the analysis of the gait whilst in motion. If the foot operates with poor function or posture, it has to compensate, leading to excess stress and eventually injury.

The combination of the two gives a diagnosis and treatment plan of your condition.
Relief and improved foot function can be achieved in balance, walking, dancing and sports injuries. Conditions such as plantar fascilitus, achilles tendinitus, shin splints, runners knee, tibialis posterior dysfunction and metatarsalgia can be helped by the podiatrist.

At Horsforth Podiatry Clinic we can identify if a patient’s injury is due to poor structural function or alignment by assessing their biomechanical structure. We do this by using a range of techniques such as gait analysis.

We can provide a wide range of treatments for musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, which cause injuries to the lower limb and foot. Muscuskeletal pain results from muscle and ligament strains, tendonitis and arthritis.

We aim to improve foot function, increase mobility and reduce the risk or level of symptoms, making your activity a pleasure again.

Along with treatment we would recommend foot orthoses/insoles, these devices fit inside your footwear and prescribed to a particular MSK problem, helping to improve foot function and your walking or running style.